Don’t Make These Two Estate Planning Mistakes In Torrance, California!

"The costliest errors are ones we make ourselves, often without realizing how much damage we're doing." "Estate planning is intertwined with the financial plan," a article explained, and it’s no secret that many individuals fail to...

Survey Reveals Startling Estate Planning Concerns In Torrance, California

"A lot of people think this is just about elderly parents, but it's a big issue for people with adult children away at school or on their own as an unmarried adult," said Carnick, president of Carnick & Kubik Personal Wealth Advisors. "Who's...

5 Estate Planning Must-Haves for Singles In Torrance, California

"Everyone of majority age needs at the least a will, a health care directive and a named power of attorney," says Mike Sena, a certified financial planner with White Street Advisors, a money management firm. "The express purpose of estate planning is to...

Include Everything in the Prenup! A Lesson from Robin Williams’ Estate Dispute

"The mess comes when you don't have proper estate planning," said Robert Nachshin, a family law attorney based in Los Angeles. An important tool in that toolbox is a prenup, which spells out how assets should be split up if the marriage fails or a spouse...