There is a pent-up pipeline of owners who have had to put off selling in recent years because of the economy. And now that many of these companies have at least one year of profits on the books, they are more attractive to potential investors.

Whether we’re coming out of the recession is still very much in debate. Nevertheless, at least for some small businesses, the balance sheets are starting to look a bit better.

Having weathered the storm, some business owners are now ready to get out. According to a recent New York Times article, 2012 is going to be the time to sell the business for some owners.

“Buy low, sell high” is conventional market wisdom. To some business owners coming out of the rut with a good year behind them, right now may be the “high sales” they’ve been awaiting. Yet for some investors right now may still be the “low buys” with an eye for growth.

Behind the scenes, however, there’s more than simple market dynamics afoot in 2012. As you may recall, it also is the last year of the Bush-era tax cuts as they were extended only until the end of 2012.

So, if you’re looking to sell the business, then 2012 will offer a lower capital gains tax rate, at 15% instead of the 20% slated to fall into place come next January.

If your business IS your personal wealth, then this is real money for your future and for your family’s future.

Why are you waiting? Unless you intend to keep you family business in the family, the tax planets are beautifully (albeit temporarily) aligned with those same Bush-era tax cuts in place – and the generous Gift and Estate tax levels.

Accordingly, I recommend a consultation with your trusted accounting, legal and financial advisors without delay.

Please visit our website for more information and articles on estate planning and elder law issues and sign up for our free monthly e-newsletter which contains current articles on these topics.

Reference: The New York Times (December 21, 2011) “Why Some Business Owners Think Now Is The Time To Sell