by Christine | Dec 16, 2014 | Asset Protection, Community Property, Elder Law, Estate Planning, Retirement Planning, Tax Planning |
"During their careers, their 'acquiring wealth years,' many people live in places that have lots of jobs – and the higher cost of living that goes along with that," Friedman says. "In retirement, many of them want to move to a state where they...
by Christine | Dec 15, 2014 | Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Estates, Inheritance, Living Trust, Tax Planning, Trusts |
Irrevocable trusts, which are virtually unchangeable once established, have decreased in use, but revocable trusts, over which the grantor retains control, still flourish. A recent article, titled “Trusts remain useful tool in estate planning,”...
by Christine | Dec 12, 2014 | Caregivers & Caregiving, Elder Law, Long Term Care, Retirement Planning |
Although nobody can be forced to participate as a caregiver, there are ways to approach the situation that are more likely to have a positive result. Families encounter many issues when planning care for a loved one. A common issue is the unwillingness of siblings to...
by Christine | Dec 11, 2014 | Elder Abuse, Elder Law, Medi-Cal, Medi-Cal Long Term Care, Nursing Home, Power of Attorney |
Through a series of legal maneuvers and Iowa's then-blind eye toward financial elder abuse, his caregiver betrayed the World War II Navy veteran's trust and drained his savings over a number of years, according to friends and court documents. According to an...
by Christine | Dec 10, 2014 | Asset Protection, Elder Law, Long Term Care, Medi-Cal, Medi-Cal Long Term Care, Medicaid, Nursing Home, Nursing Homes |
This case has drawn plenty of attention due to its legal and financial implications. Essentially, the case has escalated to the point of a federal judge warning state regulators that she would consider issuing an order to drop Ohio from Medicaid...