by Christine | Mar 4, 2015 | Asset Protection, Elder Law, Estate Planning, Retirement Planning |
You wouldn't play golf without a full set of clubs. Don't go into retirement without a fully equipped retirement toolbox. Retirement brings the freedom to explore a new stage of life. But for many, after years of working for others, it also means assuming...
by Christine | Mar 3, 2015 | Asset Protection, Elder Law, Estate Planning, Estates, Long Term Care, Long Term Care Insurance, Nursing Homes, Retirement Planning |
When asked about long-term care insurance, one senior said, "I've thought about it. I don't think it's worthwhile to buy at my age." She's 83. "I've thought about it but I really haven't looked into it," another woman said....
by Christine | Mar 2, 2015 | Asset Protection, Elder Law, Estate Planning, Long Term Care, Medi-Cal, Medi-Cal Long Term Care, Medicaid, Nursing Homes, Retirement Planning |
Consulting financial and tax advisers as part of planning the retirement process is essential to get the health-care piece covered. Enjoying truly golden retirement years means a lot of different things to different people, but it should include planning for long-term...
by Christine | Feb 25, 2015 | Asset Protection, Bequest, Living Trust, Medi-Cal, Medicaid, Special Needs, Special Needs Children, Special Needs Planning, Trusts |
"I think it's great because it's not overreaching and it's not underreaching. It just kind of fits that one spot where we didn't have something: How does somebody with a disability put some money aside to do something? To basically be living like...
by Christine | Feb 24, 2015 | Asset Protection, Bequest, Estate Planning, Estates, Living Trust, Probate, Trusts, Wills |
There’s barely a person over the age of 40 or so who does not come with a family squabble about, well, things following the death of a well-loved parent, grandparent, or family friend. Even Robin Williams, who planned his estate well, could not avoid a family feud...
by Christine | Feb 20, 2015 | Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Estate Tax, Income Tax, Power of Attorney, Tax Planning |
Actually, the answer is yes. The Tax Court is an actual federal court and not, as some people think, affiliated with the IRS. At Tax Court, the IRS is a party to the matter just like the taxpayer. If you’ve got beef with the IRS, maybe you should head to court....