Financial And Estate Planning Guidance In Torrance, California, for Late-in-Life Divorces

"There are no 'do-overs' after you agree to a settlement," says Vickie Adams, a certified financial planner and certified divorce finance analyst in San Pedro, Calif. "After 50, you'll have fewer years to recoup from financial errors, so...

Planning for Death Is Unpleasant In Torrance, California, but Critical Nonetheless

Once someone dies there is much work to be done. These are a few suggestions to help you get administratively organized for death. To make death easier for all involved, it’s critical to plan some of the issues related to death far in advance with some contemplation...

Estate Tax Changes Are Favorable, But Different Worries May Arise In Torrance, California

State and federal estate and inheritance tax rates are what drive most people’s estate plans, but now that tax rates are falling and exemptions rising in many jurisdictions, how much people will leave their heirs isn’t what keeps them awake at night anymore. What they...