by Christine | Aug 2, 2013 | Charitable Giving, Easement, Estate Planning |
If you have property that you would like to be preserved, either for conservation or historic purposes, there is nothing so close to a free lunch as the donation of an easement. You may be entitled to a charitable contribution for the value of the...
by Christine | Jul 19, 2013 | Charitable Giving, Estate Planning |
That an entity has been effectively organized, and recognized by the IRS as tax exempt is no guarantee that it is being operated as a charitable entity. A good rule of thumb is that a charitable entity’s general and administrative expenses should not exceed ten...
by Christine | Jun 17, 2013 | Charitable Deduction, Charitable Giving, Easement, Estate Planning, Valuation |
When you make a charitable contribution of anything other than money or marketable securities, there will always be a valuation issue. At least, it will usually be clear what it is that you are giving away. A conservation easement is different. ...
by Christine | May 15, 2013 | Charitable Giving, Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) |
Tax-free transfers are limited to those over age 70½ mainly to contain the drain on the federal budget. One thing you should never forget about your IRA – even though you make contributions with pre-tax dollars, and once inside these accounts your money grows...
by Christine | Feb 22, 2013 | Charitable Giving, Estate Planning, Family Foundation, Succession Planning |
One issue that some families have encountered is that the types of philanthropy favored by one generation may not be the ones favored by the next — something that could cause strife if not addressed. Ensuring continuity of both your family harmony and your family...
by Christine | Feb 19, 2013 | Appraisal, Charitable Giving, Gift |
…Good intentions do not guarantee a charitable contribution deduction. By failing to properly account and document the contribution, however, the IRS and Tax Court [could] disallow the deduction. You may think that being eligible for the charitable tax deduction is as...