by Christine | Feb 25, 2014 | Elder Care, Elder Law, Medicare, Nursing Homes |
For years, it has been an article of faith that Medicare would not pay for services such as skilled nursing or physical therapy unless that care improved a patient's health status. How did this misunderstanding go on for so long? Learning all the ins and outs of...
by Christine | Jan 21, 2014 | Elder Care, Elder Law, Insurance, Medicare |
If a beneficiary disagrees with a decision, there are reconsideration and appeals procedures within the Medicare program. Medicare approvals can be tough at times, and some may find their claims come up with the big "D" – denial. So what happens when...
by Christine | Nov 26, 2013 | Elder Care, Elder Law |
Now I am 86 and almost blind. I cannot read the bills that come in the mail nor sign my own checks. I must be escorted to medical appointments. My busy children are kind beyond measure, but I am uncomfortable in these situations. And being uncomfortable makes me sharp...
by Christine | Nov 18, 2013 | Elder Care, Elder Law, Estate Planning |
If you’re handling the finances for an older family member or are about to do so, some sticky challenges can pop up quicker than you think. Managing your personal finances can be a challenge. But what if you had to manage money for someone else? Managing the finances...
by Christine | Nov 5, 2013 | Elder Care, Elder Law, Medi-Cal Long Term Care, Medicaid, Nursing Homes |
My mother went from private pay to Medi-Cal pay in her nursing home January 1, 2013. She now has zero money and all of her Social Security goes to the nursing home … Should I sell [her] home and effectively turn all of the assets over for her care or wait until her...
by Christine | Oct 22, 2013 | Elder Care, Elder Law, Medi-Cal Long Term Care, Medicaid |
The death of a Medicaid recipient's spouse can affect the amount of assets the Medicaid recipient has, and therefore his Medicaid eligibility. Scenario: One spouse, the institutional spouse, is in a nursing home and is qualified to receive Medicaid benefits to pay...