PBS Series “Downton Abbey” a Good Example of Estate Planning Lessons In Torrance, California

The viewers of this high-end PBS costume drama, which takes place about a century ago, could very likely be your clients' demographic. Look at who's a top corporate sponsor: Viking River Cruises, which told The New York Times that “our demographic is affluent...

Estate Tax Changes Are Favorable, But Different Worries May Arise In Torrance, California

State and federal estate and inheritance tax rates are what drive most people’s estate plans, but now that tax rates are falling and exemptions rising in many jurisdictions, how much people will leave their heirs isn’t what keeps them awake at night anymore. What they...

Get The Latest on Grantor Trusts In Torrance, California

“Income-tax rates are going up so it becomes more expensive for a grantor to maintain the grantor trust status of a trust they’ve set up,” says Lynn Halpern Lederman, managing director and senior fiduciary counsel – Northeast Region at Bessemer Trust, a New York firm...

Don’t Shy Away from These Estate Planning Questions In Torrance, California!

Establishing a will is a vital part of protecting your financial legacy and there is no benefit in delaying it. Here are six often-avoided questions to help you get over your fear of wills and establish one for your family. There are no silly questions when it comes...

Five Estate Planning Don’ts In Torrance, California

To prevent you and your family members from enduring more stress, misery or confusion than necessary, here are five estate-planning booboos to avoid … Think you have the right ideas when it comes to your estate? You may want to watch out for some common...

Estate Planning Document List – Time to Get Organized In Torrance, California!

A well-planned estate is a wonderful legacy you can leave your heirs — instead of untangling a messy estate, they can follow concrete steps, allowing them to take care of business while mourning their loved one. Document gathering can be overwhelming when it comes to...