Don’t Make These Two Estate Planning Mistakes In Torrance, California!

"The costliest errors are ones we make ourselves, often without realizing how much damage we're doing." "Estate planning is intertwined with the financial plan," a article explained, and it’s no secret that many individuals fail to...

Retirement Planning Advice for Any Small Business In Torrance, California

Small businesses, including self-employed taxpayers, have two choices after year end (2014) to establish and contribute to a retirement plan. Those two choices are the Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) plan and the individual retirement arrangement (IRA). A recent...

Is an IRA Trust for You In Torrance, California?

An IRA Trust can be a very valuable tool in certain circumstances. Unfortunately though, many people are unaware of the IRA trust and its benefits. Trusts are only for the super wealthy, right? Wrong! The Kokomo Perspective recently posted an article titled “Are You...

Retirement Pitfalls to Avoid In Torrance, California

In nearly every way you could make a mistake — for example, saving too late — you can also make up ground by availing yourself of all resources at your disposal (say, your employer's 401(k) matching program). With that in mind, here’s a list of 28...

Divorced In Torrance, California? Time to Update Your Estate Plan and Beneficiaries

Failure to do so — or to alert all relevant parties to the changes — could result in certain assets and benefits unintentionally going to your former spouse or his or her family upon your death. A MarketWatch article, titled “Just divorced? Don’t forget to separate...