Estate Planning In Torrance, California without the Stress

  Wouldn’t knowing someone will step in if you become incapacitated create a little peace of mind? Wouldn’t knowing that your family is taken care of create even more peace of mind? Wouldn’t knowing there is a plan in place – a plan you developed – if something...

Spouses of Medi-Cal Applicants In Torrance, California, May Keep More Assets In 2015 – Community Spouse Resource Allowance Has Been Increased

Medi-Cal law provides the spouses of Medi-Cal applicants (usually called the "community spouse" or "well spouse") with a “community spouse resource allowance” (CSRA) to make sure the community spouse has the assets needed to continue to live in the...

Boomers – Beware of These Estate Planning Blunders In Torrance, California

David Cutner, partner at Lamson & Cutner, attorneys for the elderly and disabled offered the following tips for both estate planning and long-term care for boomers. A recent Fox Business article reported that the majority of seniors are completely in the...