PBS Series “Downton Abbey” a Good Example of Estate Planning Lessons In Torrance, California

The viewers of this high-end PBS costume drama, which takes place about a century ago, could very likely be your clients' demographic. Look at who's a top corporate sponsor: Viking River Cruises, which told The New York Times that “our demographic is affluent...

New to Estate Planning In Torrance, California?

Follow This Guide for Help. Whether you want to provide for your family after your death or you just want to ensure that the process is as easy as possible for your family, estate planning is the easiest way to accomplish your goals. What exactly is estate planning?...

Estate Planning In Torrance, California without the Stress

  Wouldn’t knowing someone will step in if you become incapacitated create a little peace of mind? Wouldn’t knowing that your family is taken care of create even more peace of mind? Wouldn’t knowing there is a plan in place – a plan you developed – if something...

Estate Planning for Singles In Torrance, California: What You Need to Know

“For those who are single, whether they’ve always been single or they find themselves single again, there are some unique [estate-planning] issues,” says Doug Rothermich, managing director, wealth-planning strategies at TIAA-CREF. Married couples usually can see the...

Ask Yourself These Estate Planning Questions In Torrance, California

Have a plan for your estate; either you decide or someone else does.  Make this your New Year's Resolution for 2015 & get your estate planning documents in order by answering a few simple questions. Year-end is a great time to evaluate your estate...