by Christine | Feb 7, 2013 | ATRA 2012, Estate Law, Estate Planning, Family Limited Partnership, GRATs, Small Business, Tax Law |
The good news is that the New Year’s day passage of the American Taxpayer Relief Tax Act Of 2012 or ATRA ended 12 years of uncertainty about how much could pass tax free; what the tax will be on transfers above that amount; and even whether there would be an estate...
by Christine | Feb 1, 2013 | Estate Plan, Small Business, Succession Planning |
The conversation around successions can be [sensitive], because it brings up all the same issues one faces when starting a business — only this time, you’re forced to imagine it without yourself in the picture. When it comes to business, succession is perhaps the most...
by Christine | Nov 16, 2012 | Asset Protection, Partnership, Small Business |
If you have an arrangement that might be viewed as a partnership, the safer course is probably to get a partnership agreement drafted or more likely form an LLC and have an operating agreement drafted. There are quite a few ways of structuring a business entity. But...
by Christine | Oct 22, 2012 | COLA, Small Business |
More than 56 million Social Security recipients will see their monthly payments increase by 1.7% in January… The increase is among the lowest since automatic annual adjustments were adopted in 1975. Did you know your Social Security payout increase will be the lowest...
by Christine | Oct 12, 2012 | Asset Protection, Corporate Formation, Small Business |
How you go about handling the situation [of a business partnership split-up] can mean the difference between an amicable split, where you run the business as you see fit, and a messy divorce, in which you wind up losing money, clients, resources or other critical...
by Christine | Sep 26, 2012 | Business Ownership, Retirement, Small Business |
The weak economy has been tough for small-business owners across the board … but for entrepreneurs in their 60s and 70s, the consequences have been particularly vexing. The current recession has been tough on just about everyone, but few have felt such dire...