by Christine | Oct 21, 2011 | Estate Planning |
The death of Steve Jobs has sparked conversation about the motivations and merits that surround anonymous giving. And for those who either eschew the spotlight or hold to a religious tradition that espouses anonymous donation, giving in secret sounds downright...
by Christine | Oct 20, 2011 | Estate Planning, Retirement Planning, Tax Planning |
To follow in [Reverend Crummey’s] footsteps, set up a trust and have it buy a life insurance policy on your life. Someday when you die, the trust will receive the insurance proceeds and pay them out to the beneficiaries listed in your trust. When you’re looking to...
by Christine | Oct 19, 2011 | Conservatorships, Elder Law |
As baby boomers age — and economic upheaval keeps people in the workforce longer — the issue of how to deal with employees with dementia and cognitive impairment will continue to be kicked around the nation’s courtrooms and boardrooms. Do you have a loved one with...
by Christine | Oct 13, 2011 | Estate Planning, Tax Planning |
Simply defined, a charitable remainder trust allows you to transfer cash or assets to the trust — from which you may receive income for life or, if you prefer, a fixed term not to exceed 20 years. The income can be paid over your life, your spouse’s life and even the...
by Christine | Oct 12, 2011 | Estate Planning, Retirement Planning, Tax Planning |
Many people want to use part of their estate to help charities they believe in—leaving a legacy of helping out the less fortunate, nurturing the arts or supporting other important causes. Giving to charity over your lifetime can be powerful. Not only can you make an...