by Christine Brown | Sep 15, 2016 | Elder Abuse, Senior Scams |
A cruel and very dangerous senior scam is on the rise both locally and across the United States, causing grandparents to fork over thousands of dollars to con artists posing as their grandchildren who claim to be in serious danger and in need of immediate financial...
by Christine | Oct 7, 2015 | Elder Abuse, Estate Planning, Inheritance |
It’s a sad truth that some of the oldest scams around are still around because they work. They work because people are blinded by the possibility of quickly and easily obtaining huge amounts of money. The best way to protect yourself from these scams is to know that...
by Christine | Aug 10, 2015 | Elder Abuse, Elder Law |
After a long and high profile life of philanthropic endeavors, socialite Brook Astor died in 2007 with an estate worth $200 million. Two years later, her son Anthony Marshall was convicted of stealing millions from her. Astor suffered from dementia, and...
by Christine | Jul 31, 2015 | Elder Abuse, Elder Law |
By the end of 2015, it is expected that 5.1 million persons age 65 and over will make their homes in California. Add aging baby-boomers to the state’s current migration patterns and it is entirely likely that the state will be home to more than 8.4 million...
by Christine | Jul 29, 2015 | Elder Abuse, Elder Law, Estate Planning |
Fraud cases involving elderly clients are on the rise, with nearly half of the CPA financial planners who participated in the survey, around 47%, saying they have seen an increase in financial fraud in the last five years. According to a recent On Wall...
by Christine | Jul 3, 2015 | Elder Abuse, Elder Law |
The National Council on Aging has identified the Grandparent Scam as one of the top 10 cons targeting the seniors. The scam involves asking grandparents to send money to help out a grandchild in a legal bind. This happens quite often, and many grandparents might be...