by Christine Brown | Oct 6, 2016 | Alzheimer's, Caregivers & Caregiving, Elder Care |
If you’ve recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, you are undoubtedly going through an emotionally-draining and tumultuous time. One thing that could help you is to plan ahead and develop your own care team. This is a group of support people that will help...
by Christine Brown | Sep 29, 2016 | Elder Care, Nursing Homes |
Elder lawyers in Manhattan Beach are well-versed on the ins-and-outs of nursing home expenses, and they continually work with seniors to determine how best to lower costs and protect assets. One recommendation that does not always get enough attention is to spend a...
by Christine | May 11, 2015 | Elder Abuse, Elder Care, Elder Law |
The elder abuse resource prosecutor would be in the Oregon Department of Justice's Criminal Justice Division. The person named to the proposed position would be the third full-time resource prosecutor in the state, alongside those for domestic violence and driving...
by Christine | Mar 25, 2015 | Conservatee, Conservator, Conservatorships, Elder Care, Elder Law, Estate Plan, Estate Planning, Guardianships, Living Trust, Special Needs Planning, Special Needs Trusts, Trusts |
Although many people feel frustrated by elder guardianship systems designed to protect adults no longer able to fend for themselves, what’s even sadder are the many instances where it turns out that the elder guardianship system is doing its job properly –and...
by Christine | Feb 3, 2015 | Advanced Health Care Directive, Elder Care, Elder Law, End of Life Decisions, Estate Planning, Medi-Cal, Medi-Cal Long Term Care, Medicaid, Medical Directives, Retirement, Retirement Planning, Trusts |
Consulting financial and tax advisers as part of planning the retirement process is essential to get the health-care piece covered. Enjoying truly golden retirement years means a lot of different things to different people, but it should include planning for long-term...
by Christine | Jan 26, 2015 | Caregivers & Caregiving, Elder Care, Elder Law, Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA), Long Term Care, Retirement, Retirement Planning |
Adult children who become caregivers often pay a steep price. However, with some smart strategies, you can avoid sabotaging your financial future. What can you do ahead of time to help ease the financial burden of caring for your aging parents? Look into potential tax...