Recent Survey Says 80% of Americans Failed Retirement Literacy Test In Torrance, California

“We’re not surprised by the fact that people don’t know a lot about retirement income planning,” says David Littell, program director at the American College. “I was surprised at how badly they did.” Could you pass a retirement literacy test? Apparently, 80% of...

Estate Planning In Torrance, California without the Stress

  Wouldn’t knowing someone will step in if you become incapacitated create a little peace of mind? Wouldn’t knowing that your family is taken care of create even more peace of mind? Wouldn’t knowing there is a plan in place – a plan you developed – if something...

Estate Planning for Singles In Torrance, California: What You Need to Know

“For those who are single, whether they’ve always been single or they find themselves single again, there are some unique [estate-planning] issues,” says Doug Rothermich, managing director, wealth-planning strategies at TIAA-CREF. Married couples usually can see the...