by LM2 | Jun 8, 2024 | Caregivers & Caregiving, Elder Care, Elder Law |
If you’re caring for an aging parent or loved one, you know the challenges of managing their transportation needs. Whether it’s doctor appointments, errands, or social outings, ensuring they get where they need to go safely and reliably can be a constant...
by Christine Brown | Apr 29, 2023 | Caregivers & Caregiving, Elder Care, Elder Law
While being a caregiver can be rewarding, it can also be extremely stressful. It is very common for caregivers to feel frustrated, tired, and even depressed. As a result, you will want to make life as easy as possible to reduce stress. Following are some ways to help...
by Christine Brown | Jul 11, 2022 | Caregivers & Caregiving, Elder Care, Elder Law
If you have an aging loved one, there will likely come a time when you begin to have concerns about their physical or cognitive health. You might notice that they are forgetting to take their medications or asking the same questions again and again. Or maybe it’s that...
by Christine Brown | May 23, 2022 | Caregivers & Caregiving, Elder Care
A caregiver agreement, also referred to as a personal service contract, is a contract between an individual in need of care and the person taking care of them. Typically, an adult child will assume the role of caretaker for an older or incapacitated parent. It’s a job...
by Christine Brown | Mar 30, 2022 | Caregivers & Caregiving, Elder Care, Elder Law
When you’re the primary caregiver for an aging parent or another family member incapable of caring for themselves, you probably find yourself putting your own needs aside to meet theirs. However, our LA County elder lawyers want you to be at your best to provide the...
by Christine Brown | Jun 8, 2020 | Caregivers & Caregiving, Elder Care, Elder Law, Uncategorized
More than 10 percent of people who are acting as caregivers for an older family member are doing so from a distance. Living an hour or more away from an aging parent or other relative can present some additional challenges for caregivers. Among those challenges are...